Contact SRA. 不过你觉得舒服:电子邮件, phone, and stop by our office in the Fenster all Building (3rd Floor); just be in contact.
The best option is to send an e-mail to the Research Director/Project Manager with a CC to the srard@babbittbaseball.com . We recommend using your Director/Research Manager assigned to your college rather than emailing a specific staff member. This will allow us to provide coverage, if necessary, when staff are not readily available. That being said, SRA is also happy to take your phone calls and encourages you to call your representative if that is your preferred method of communication. SRA联系人的列表位于我们的网站上 http://web-sitemap.babbittbaseball.com/research/
Deadlines are absolute and proposals received after a deadline are not accepted. 对于那些有目标日期的比赛, there is no need to inform the Program Director if a proposal will be a week or two late.
如果延误会明显更多, please contact to make certain it can still be included in the pending review cycle. 对于一些NSF竞赛,请求可以在任何时间提交
- 与部门/学院代表和SRA合作
- 仔细阅读招标书,并解决任何特殊要求
- 熟悉特定于机构的规则,例如.g. National Institutes of Health (NIH) salary cap and National Science Foundation (NSF) 2-month effort limitation.
- 准备必要的表格. Ensure all Investigators have submitted their Conflict of Interest Disclosure prior to submission
- Confirm the Internal Sign off has been approved up to SRA's level of approval
- 如果提案包括分包合同, ensure you have received the signed Sub-recipient Commitment Form for each subcontractor.
Any federal agency recognizes that innovative research often lies at or between traditional disciplinary boundaries and encourages interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.
A potential applicant should contact a relevant program Director and discuss their particular project. 由于行政原因,一份提案只能提交给一个项目. 然而,它可以由几个共同评估和资助. This is a common practice in archaeology and projects do not slip between the cracks. Experience indicates that review by multiple Programs may best be viewed as multiple opportunities for support and not as double jeopardy.
There are several mechanisms to provide support to researchers at multiple institutions and to accomplish this within the framework of a single project.
这些包括分包合同, collaborative awards and a central plan of administration by a single institution. Although one needs to consider carefully which mechanism is most appropriate in a specific case, 没有一个是累赘的,所有人都是定期雇佣的.
申请人应致电项目主任讨论细节, 每种选择的优点和缺点.
The simple answer is no.
In our experience, 让别人把你的想法用语言表达出来是没有效果的, is not as successful, 是否对审稿人完全透明, 并且会导致混乱. 你是表达自己想法的最佳人选.
SRA is committed to facilitating the pre-award process for scholarly research. 以下信息将帮助您了解SRA的结构
SRA can assist you with properly understanding the Request For Proposal (RFP). This may include blocking off long periods of time to sit with you to properly guide you to the different requirements, 为您收集信息, 把提案格式化,使它看起来不错, and generally help you in any way with the compliance of the whole proposal package.
时间是一个非常现实的限制. Keep in mind that some proposals will need specific certifications that they are common; therefore they will require more time.
1 month in advance (as early as possible) send the SRA a message of intent to apply to srard@babbittbaseball.com
这应该包括请求提案标识号(NSF), NIH)或拨款建议指导文件. 至少,应该提供到文档的链接.
2 weeks before the due date the budget should be finalized and the approval proposal process should be initiated. This includes the Department approval and conflict of interest forms with the PI’s and Department Chair’s signature, 详细的预算和理由, proposal title, 和初步具体目标(NIH), proposal summary (NSF), 或合同工作范围(SOW).
72 hours prior to submission the SRA will initiate a proposal review and check for submission errors. For this to occur, all portions of the proposal should be completed and ready for submission with the exception of the proposal narrative. Only a draft of the proposal is needed at this point as a place holder for error checking.
24 hours 在截止日期前准时提交, PI应向SRA办公室发布提案的最终版本. (Please refer to the 研究计划提交指南和建议.
强烈建议提案预算优先考虑学生支持. Grants and contracts generally include in their personnel budgets one or more of the following items: support for PhD student(s), faculty summer salary, 机构支持的学年发布时间, 博士后支持, support staff, 硕士和本科生支持.
小型或创意项目和/或咨询合同, 通常涉及工业, 国家或私人机构资助, 会受到不同的对待.
A faculty member who is seeking such funds should clearly explain the scope of the project and its funding source to the Chair to get his/her approval prior to finalizing such plans. 与重大/多年研究项目一样, the grant and contract approval process will also involve the Chairs and Deans.
The involvement of students in such projects can be compensated on an hourly basis at a rate consistent with federal work-study guidelines. All agreements for these types of projects must be reviewed and approved by the SRA office
In the case that the budget of a grant or contract is awarded with budget changes, the new budget and justification must be resubmitted on the approval forms for Chair and Dean review and approval.
如果助学金不能再支持学生的全部费用, 其余部分费用将由系主任分担, Dean or SRA
If the company or agency does not allow indirect costs as stated in our agreement with the Federal government, they must provide written document of limits to indirect cost by company policy.
用于限制间接成本的赠款和合同, 其余所需费用将由SRA分担.
当一个机构要求与拟议预算相匹配时, the PI of the proposal will contact the SRA to discuss the inclusion of the appropriate matching to meet the scope of work proposed. All agreements on matching must be communicated to the Department Chair and Dean’s office on the Department Approval Forms.